Below please find the original invitation and photos from the very first edition of VPO which was called the “EOS Topological Meeting on Physiological Optics”. Download the original invitation and announcement below.
Dear Colleagues and Friends
Prof. Henryk Kasprzak
It is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the EOS Topical Meeting
on Physiological Optics to be held on September 23-25, 1999 in Wroclaw. The venue of the Meeting is the Training Centre of the National Work Inspection, localized on the border of the Szczytnicki Park on the east side of the city. This scientific conference is a great occasion for meeting people, exchanging new ideas and for listening to distinguished colleagues. Submitted papers focus on the most modern and important developments in the areas of the optical aspects of the vision process. The Organizing Committee makes every effort to ensure you enjoy appropriate scientific atmosphere and a pleasant stay in Wroclaw during the Meeting.
I hope that EOS Meetings on Physiological Optics can continue in the future in other European countries and will become a platforrμ to exchange ideas and achievements between researchers. I am convinced that the Meeting organized in Wroclaw will enable participants to establish new contacts and further cooperation in the field of Physiological Optics.