Meeting agenda

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Wednesday, August 28th

8:00 9:00 Registration, coffee
9:00 9:15 Welcome Magdalena Asejczyk
9:15 9:45 Invited speaker Robert Iskander Celebrating 25 years of VPO in Wrocław – a "deformable" mirror approach to showcasing the achievements in vision science and technology at WUST
9:45 10:00 Session 1
María Mechó-García Ocular Wavefronts with Accommodation: A Statistical Model
10:00 10:15 Larry Thibos Is "axial vs. refractive" the best way to think about refractive error?
10:15 10:30 Hosna Ghaderi Simulating keratoconus development in emmetropic eyes
10:30 10:45 Tanya Evans Corneal Transference Maps – Calculation and Interpretation
10:45 11:00 Iñaki Blanco-Martinez Third Order Theory of Peripheral Refractive Error
11:00 11:15 Fabian Dębowy How the ratio of axial length to corneal radius can provide refractive error information
11:15 11:20 Q&A
11:20 11:35 Coffee break
11:35 11:50 Session 2
IOL & Lens
Ireneusz Grulkowski OCT of aging crystalline lens
11:50 12:05 Jesús Armengol Through-focus energy efficiency in an astigmatic model eye with intraocular lens
12:05 12:20 Miguel Faria-Ribeiro IOL design for full visual range, with reduced straylight
12:20 12:35 Dmitry Romashchenko See-through system for pre-clinical assessment of IOL optical properties
12:35 12:50 Michael Simpson Double Images in the Far Periphery with Intraocular Lenses
12:50 13:05 Sharon Francis Comparative study of IOL corrections with and without RGP contact lenses in keratoconic eyes
13:05 13:10 Q&A
13:10 13:55 Lunch break
13:55 14:35 Invited Speaker Len Zheleznyak Chromatic aberration and its impact on vision
14:35 14:40 Q&A
14:40 14:55 Group photo
14:55 15:10 Coffee break
15:10 15:25 Session 3
Refraction & Wavefront
Jos Rozema Biometric variations in emmetropia and ametropia
15:25 15:40 David Atchison Optics of multiple segment lenses intended to correct myopia progression
15:40 15:55 Charlie Börjeson Peripheral defocus changes asymmetrically with accommodation in children
15:55 16:10 Ray Applegate Details for Successfully Translating Wavefront-Guided Contact Lenses for the Highly Aberrated Eye into Clinical Practice
16:10 16:25 Masoud Mehrjoo Connotation of Conventional Wavefront Basis
16:25 16:40 Konstantinos Ntatsis Deep learning estimation of eye aberrations from simulated double-pass retinal images
16:40 16:45 Q&A
17:30 19:30 Wrocław city tour The tour will be approximately 2 – 2.5 hours long and starts at Ostrów Tumski (Plac Katedralny 1).

Thursday, August 29th

9:00 9:40 Invited Speaker Michael Bach (remotely) Celebrating 39 Years of the Freiburg Vision Test (FrACT) – New Developments
9:40 9:45 Q&A
9:45 10:00 Session 4
Vision Science
André Amorim Development of a contrast sensitivity test including both a subjective and an objective task to complement each other
10:00 10:15 Arezoo Farzanfar The influence of wavelength and defocus on contrast sensitivity function
10:15 10:30 Aina Turull-Mallofre Objective analysis of accommodation and visual acuity in the subjective refraction procedure
10:30 10:45 Oliwia Kaczkos Two-photon vision and its contrast sensitivity function of the human eye
10:45 11:00 Matthew Hellis Holographic Diffusers and Bangerter Foils Effect on Visual Acuity
11:00 11:05 Q&A
11:05 11:20 Coffee break
11:20 12:00 Invited Speaker Kehao Wang Biomechanics of the human eye lens and its functional interactions with surrounding ocular structures
12:00 12:05 Q&A
12:05 12:20 Session 5
Lens Biomechanics
Ali Dahaghin Effects of Intraocular Pressure on Crystalline Lens Dynamics
12:20 12:35 Lin Ye Investigating the effect of capsular thickness and material properties on biomechanical and optical parameters in eye models
12:35 12:50 Yutian Pu Age-related changes in the cortical and nuclear stiffness contribute to the accommodative loss
12:50 12:55 Q&A
12:55 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 13:55 Session 6
Ocular Biomechanics
Benedetta Fantaci Tracing keratoconus progression: an optomechanical study
13:55 14:10 Matteo Frigelli Patient-Specific Modelling Of Customized Corneal Cross-Linking
14:10 14:25 Saeed Zahabi Impact of Material Property Modifications on Optical Performance: A Multidisciplinary Study in the Human Eye Under different Intraocular Pressure
14:25 14:40 Vahoura Tahsini Porcine sclera biomechanics using uniaxial extensometry combined with optical coherence elastography
14:40 14:55 Elena Redaelli Estimating in-vivo and real-time the mechanical properties of the corneal tissue
14:55 15:00 Q&A
15:00 15:15 Coffee break
15:15 15:30 Show & tell Norberto López-Gil App-implemented system and method for subjectively self-measuring over-refraction in non-presbyopic eyes
Corné Haasjes Visisipy – Accessible vision simulations in Python
15:30 17:15 Poster session (details below)
15:30 15:45 Committee meeting
19:00 22:00 Gala dinner

Friday, August 30th

9:00 9:40 Invited Speaker Bernhard Baumann Advancing Contrast for OCT Imaging
9:40 9:45 Q&A
9:45 10:00 Session 7
Technology I
Jan-Willem Beenakker Scaling of peripheral fundus images
10:00 10:15 Ireneusz Grulkowski Air-puff OCT-based Optical Biometry for the Determination of Induced Dynamics of Ocular Structures
10:15 10:30 Evangeline Devaraj In Vivo Assessment of Vitreous Dynamics Using SS-OCT
10:30 10:45 Keerthana Soman Quantitative analysis of morphology of ocular structures with accommodation
10:45 11:00 Alejandra Consejo Keratoconus detection from corneal images using Deep Learning
11:00 11:15 Daniel Rumiński Accommodation and crystalline lens micro fluctuation captured with Doppler OCT
11:15 11:20 Q&A
11:20 11:35 Coffee break
11:35 11:50 Session 8
Technology II
Vasyl Molebny Skew ray tracing with axicon
11:50 12:05 Agata Gut Optical coherence tomography speckle-based retinal layer segmentation
12:05 12:20 Danilo Jesus Automated Detection of Cone Photoreceptors in AO-FIO imaging
12:20 12:35 Marcelina Sobczak How small retinal vessels react to the full-field flicker stimulation
12:35 12:50 Marta Skrok Towards pioneering strategies of neural response detection: retinal eye tracker NeuroFET
12:50 13:05 Clara Llorens-Quintana Multi-objective approach for conjunctival microvasculature images enhancement
13:05 13:10 Q&A
13:10 13:55 Lunch break
13:55 14:10 Session 9
Contact lens & Tear Film
Spyridon Tsoukalas Tear film dynamics using an open-view double-pass instrument
14:10 14:25 Vasyl Molebny Laser ray tracing through tear film
14:25 14:40 Pien Vinke Assessment of the tear film quality based on a dual visible/thermal imaging instrument
14:40 14:55 Tomasz Suliński Visualization of Lipid Deposition and Absorption in Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses Using Spinning Disc Confocal Microscopy
14:55 15:10 Izabela Garaszczuk Ocular surface temperature assessed with noncontact infrared thermography as a mean for dry eye disease severity scoring
15:10 15:15 Q&A
15:15 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 16:00 Suprise talk Jos Rozema Symphony in Z major
16:00 16:30 Closing ceremony & awards Magdalena Asejczyk and others

Poster session (Thursday 29th, 15:30 – 17:15)

Ebrahim BaloujehFast and slow response of the accommodation system in young and incipient presbyope adults during sustained reading task
Marlena BobrowskaDifferences between body posture parameters in children aged 7–11 with and without astigmatism
Anna BogutaAnalysis of Vision Screening Results in Teenagers in Poland
Agnieszka BoszczykThe influence of direction of eye rotation on crystalline lens oscillations
José Angel Díaz-GuiradoMeasuring myopia and astigmatism using a smartphone app
Ioana Alexandra FarcașDigital Reading Performance in Students
Liying FengEffects of capsulorhexis size and position on post-surgical IOL alignment
Paulo FernandesVisual performance with 4 myopia control spectacle lenses: visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, light disturbance analysis
Izabela GaraszczukA Comparative Study of Visual Skills in Precision Shooting
Gabriela GrzegorczykThe Importance of Methodology in Assessing the AC/A Ratio – A Comparative Analysis
Corné HaasjesVisisipy: Accessible vision simulations in Python
Andreas HartwigChanges of ocular higher order aberrations during a day
Ainhoa Ivars GuerreroAssessing the Thermal Impact of Contact Lenses on the Ocular Surface
Karolina JaroszRelationship between meibomian gland morphology and parameters used in the diagnosis of dry eye syndrome in the population of healthy individuals
Agnieszka JóźwikThe optical validation process of the biomechanical model of the eye
Justyna KiermaszDiurnal refraction, corneal curvature an tear film break-up time changes in computer and non-computer workers
Julia KochańskaHigh-resolution scanning laser ophthalmoscope for assessing dynamic vascular response to light stimulus
Piotr Kurzynowski Analysis of the real-time changes of the geometrical properties of the cornea using the OCT technique
Bartosz LachowiczShort-time changes in the anterior segment of the eye induced by accommodation – preliminary study
Yongji LiuEffects of a highly aspherical contact lens and a GRIN lens on the difference in wavefront aberrations between ingoing and outgoing eye raytracing for model eyes
Maria Mechó-GarcíaVariations in monochromatic aberrations during accommodation in a large adult population
Maria MiażdżykValidation of OCT B-scan Monte Carlo simulation algorithm for cornea. Work in progress
Patryk MłyniukThe usefulness of optical coherence tomography to assess corneal dynamics in normal, forme fruste and keratoconic eyes
Vasyl MolebnyAxicon-based retina protection
Agnieszka PasciakUtilizing the MaskRCNN Neural Network to Assess Meibomian Gland Morphology
Patrycja PiwowarczykOptimizing Dry Eye Disease Diagnosis in Pre-Cataract Surgery Procedure
Julia PowchowiczAnalysis of the art perception on the basis of eye tracking measurements
Weronika PytlosAnalysis of movements of selected eye structures on the basis of sequences recorded with a high speed camera
Ginés Martínez-Ros Machine Learning for the prediction of errors in the measures of myopia and astigmatism using smartphones
Rosa Salmerón-CampilloPreliminary evaluation of measuring near point with a smartphone in a presbyopic population
Michael SimpsonReduction of Axial Length and Myopia by an Orbital Tumor
Julia SverdlinWide angle scanning aberrometer characterization
Dorota Szczęsna-IskanderAssessing the effect of longitudinal eye movements on tear film surface parameter estimates in lateral shearing interferometry
Carmen Travel-AlarconStudy of illuminance and luminance measurement with a smartphone and its application in the measurement of refraction
Shrilekha VedhakrishnanAsymmetry between Nasal and Temporal Refraction in Emmetropes and Myopes
Shwetabh VermaThe Centration dilemma in Refractive Corrections

Saturday, August 31th

9:00 AM – Visit to the Książ Castle (optional, 120 EUR). The trip will take approximately 5 – 6 hours and then the bus will take the Attendees to the Venue.

If you already registered for the conference but would like to sign up for the trip, please use this form.